Excellent research is carried out in the UK across higher education, government, private and third sector, national research laboratories. Research integrity underpins trust in the excellence of our national and global science base. Research that has integrity is carried out in a way that is trustworthy, rigorous, ethical and responsible, which includes rigour and openness. Research that is carried out with poor integrity is not high quality and impacts can be harmful rather than beneficial. High-profile challenges in research integrity include intentional misconduct and concern about credibility of scientific publications, including concerns related to new technologies and organised fraudulent practice. But these global debates don’t necessarily reflect the robust health of UK research. What is the situation in UK research? How can the credibility of UK research in all sectors be bolstered? What are the next steps that the research ecosystem needs to take to safeguard trust in its work?

This meeting of the Foundation for Science and Technology held on the 9th July at the Royal Society, which I contributed to, addressed some of these issues. The recording can be accessed here. A short paper written by Rachael Gooberman-Hill and myself for the FST Journal can be downloaded from the link below.